Who are we?
We are you.
We are you.
Albert Hoffman said, “What you take in during your experience, you must give out in life.”
“Taking it in” led to the forming of the CMC, whose purpose is to create a non-transactional and intentional community that helps understand transformative experiences of consciousness with psychedelics through community discourse, introspection, education, clarification, and connection. It is open to all safe routes of consciousness exploration.
As another Albert 😛 said, ”We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” The CMC’s response is to focus on the present moment with those present at the moment, in person, in real life. We are the smallest speck of an organization, a separate and distinct center of gravity with impacts that go straight to the heart. As the first Albert exemplified, we must tap into what we have learned, let that wisdom guide us, and share unconditionally.
We strive for a decentralized leadership structure, provide a “town square” for responsible psychedelic activities in the Wood River Valley, and expand the shared knowledge base. The lessons are endless, and each one drives us deeper into our individual and collective selves until we inevitably drop the dualistic tendencies of the mind and wake from the dream of separation. We aspire to dissolve the illusion that any person, profession, entity, or socioeconomic group owns healing and that solving the problems of awareness together will eventually and inevitably solve our other crises as well.
“Taking it in” led to the forming of the CMC, whose purpose is to create a non-transactional and intentional community that helps understand transformative experiences of consciousness with psychedelics through community discourse, introspection, education, clarification, and connection. It is open to all safe routes of consciousness exploration.
As another Albert 😛 said, ”We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” The CMC’s response is to focus on the present moment with those present at the moment, in person, in real life. We are the smallest speck of an organization, a separate and distinct center of gravity with impacts that go straight to the heart. As the first Albert exemplified, we must tap into what we have learned, let that wisdom guide us, and share unconditionally.
We strive for a decentralized leadership structure, provide a “town square” for responsible psychedelic activities in the Wood River Valley, and expand the shared knowledge base. The lessons are endless, and each one drives us deeper into our individual and collective selves until we inevitably drop the dualistic tendencies of the mind and wake from the dream of separation. We aspire to dissolve the illusion that any person, profession, entity, or socioeconomic group owns healing and that solving the problems of awareness together will eventually and inevitably solve our other crises as well.
Who is the CMC for?
No-one is special.
Everyone is special.
Why is there no traditional leadership or power structure built into the CMC? Because these things often disempower people on one side and feed egos on the other side. It is humbling to witness the observable equity within the CMC, a group of grounded individuals amplifying the power of each presence in the room. Transcending the individual and collective mind, and the trappings of egoic systems. This is an honor to experience, and a heartfelt reflection of the many lessons we have learned with psychedelics and other consciousness experiences as a whole. Each one of you, take a bow, but don’t let it go to your head.😉
If you would like to bring someone of adolescent age, please reach out beforehand to discuss appropriateness.
Who is driving this thing?
The CMC is made possible by the generosity of leaders from the
contemplative practice community, a local clinic, wisdom & energy practitioners,
and philanthropic individuals.
The CMC is made possible by the generosity of leaders from the
contemplative practice community, a local clinic, wisdom & energy practitioners,
and philanthropic individuals.
Both legal (ketamine) and illegal psychedelic substances are discussed at our monthly gatherings.
Transactions of any substances are never any part of the CMC's activities.
Both legal (ketamine) and illegal psychedelic substances are discussed at our monthly gatherings.
Transactions of any substances are never any part of the CMC's activities.
When and Where
We gather September through May on the second Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm
at 1030 Airport Way in Hailey.
We gather September through May on the second Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm
at 1030 Airport Way in Hailey.
What is our Intention?
With each gathering, we strive to avoid adding unnecessary complexity to the re-emergence of psychedelics in popular culture, to keep returning to this ancient right/rite in its purest form, and to exercise awareness. We intend to remain balanced with the intellect and the heart. We strive to achieve objectivity, to observe and equally consume a range of philosophies and beliefs ranging from academic purism, appropriation, and neo-shamanism to practices and worldviews that began long ago with apprenticeship, experience, discovery, and mentorship. While it is unavoidable in today’s world where people are putting the cart before the horse, we are aware that the dissection of these topics with selective scholarhood can destroy the subject, for after dissection, the original object is no longer recognizable. The mind can be an exhausting and tortuous place to live; our only chance at happiness is to live in the heart. This is why each gathering begins with a meditation.
With each gathering, we strive to avoid adding unnecessary complexity to the re-emergence of psychedelics in popular culture, to keep returning to this ancient right/rite in its purest form, and to exercise awareness. We intend to remain balanced with the intellect and the heart. We strive to achieve objectivity, to observe and equally consume a range of philosophies and beliefs ranging from academic purism, appropriation, and neo-shamanism to practices and worldviews that began long ago with apprenticeship, experience, discovery, and mentorship. While it is unavoidable in today’s world where people are putting the cart before the horse, we are aware that the dissection of these topics with selective scholarhood can destroy the subject, for after dissection, the original object is no longer recognizable. The mind can be an exhausting and tortuous place to live; our only chance at happiness is to live in the heart. This is why each gathering begins with a meditation.
Are there any fees or costs?
Nope. Never.
Part of our 5th guideline reads like this…
"This is a non-transactional community of peers sharing experiences and connecting."
Why is there never any cost to part of the CMC? The CMC is a type of Town Square. We grow organically through word-of-mouth and happenstance. Those who pass through the Square are welcomed as they arrive and share the onus and the light. Some stay, some go. If there is ever anything missing from the experience, it is you. It might take time to see what we are really about, but it’s there, and it is also you. The town square is a direct reflection of our community. It can be empty, or bustling with life, a life that spills over into the entrenched systems that are losing ground to the mounting challenges ahead.
"Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” ~Robert Hunter
Nope. Never.
Part of our 5th guideline reads like this…
"This is a non-transactional community of peers sharing experiences and connecting."
Why is there never any cost to part of the CMC? The CMC is a type of Town Square. We grow organically through word-of-mouth and happenstance. Those who pass through the Square are welcomed as they arrive and share the onus and the light. Some stay, some go. If there is ever anything missing from the experience, it is you. It might take time to see what we are really about, but it’s there, and it is also you. The town square is a direct reflection of our community. It can be empty, or bustling with life, a life that spills over into the entrenched systems that are losing ground to the mounting challenges ahead.
"Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” ~Robert Hunter
What happens during the meetings?
This is what a typical meeting looks like, but don't judge by just by one meeting as there is tremendous variation. Gatherings are never zoomed, streamed, recorded, etc. We are real, not virtual.
This is what a typical meeting looks like, but don't judge by just by one meeting as there is tremendous variation. Gatherings are never zoomed, streamed, recorded, etc. We are real, not virtual.
Typical Meeting Structure
- Welcome and Guidelines.
- Meditation.
- Introductions.
- Introduce speaker / sharer / leader.
- They have the floor for ~15 minutes
- Discussion / Q&A
- Last 5 minutes engage in a reflective practice to assimilate and appreciate the sharing from the evening and our time together.
When we first started this experiment, we intentionally avoided advertising, social media, etc. We wanted the groundswell of interest to be the driving factor, not us pushing an agenda or idea. We’ve recently passed 130 on the email list, which surpasses what I thought would be possible. As time has gone on, however, I realize that numbers doesn’t even scratch the surface of the interest present in the Wood River Valley. The organizers still want to avoid advertising and the likes, but deeply welcome your spreading of the knowledge that we are here. Little pockets of interest here and there have sprouted from the CMC, which is a beautiful thing. We are reaching a critical mass of participants, which is when things start to take on a life of their own. Exciting times.
If you haven’t been able to attend one of the gatherings, don’t let that stop you from reaching out via email to express your interests.
We hope to see you soon.
If you haven’t been able to attend one of the gatherings, don’t let that stop you from reaching out via email to express your interests.
We hope to see you soon.
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